/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- | rxtx is a native interface to serial ports in java. | Copyright 1997-2002 by Trent Jarvi taj@www.linux.org.uk | | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either | version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | Library General Public License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public | License along with this library; if not, write to the Free | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "config.h" #include "gnu_io_RXTXPort.h" #include #include #include //#include // !!! //#include // !!! #include // !!! //#include //#include // !!! #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SIGNAL_H # include #endif #else # include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILE_H # include #endif extern int errno; #include "SerialImp.h" /* #define DEBUG */ /* this is so diff will not generate noise when merging 1.4 and 1.5 changes * It will eventually be removed. * */ #define RXTXPort(foo) Java_gnu_io_RXTXPort_ ## foo #define RXTXCommDriver(foo) Java_gnu_io_RXTXCommDriver_ ## foo //#define MAX_PORT_NUM 65; BSerialPort *PortArray[65]; // !!! BSerialPort *port; // !!! FILE *fp; // !!! /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.Initialize accept: none perform: Initialize the native library return: none exceptions: none ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(Initialize)( JNIEnv *env, jclass jclazz ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.Initialize\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// #ifndef WIN32 #ifndef __BEOS__ #ifdef DEBUG struct utsname name; #endif /* This bit of code checks to see if there is a signal handler installed for SIGIO, and installs SIG_IGN if there is not. This is necessary for the native threads jdk, but we don't want to do it with green threads, because it slows things down. Go figure. */ /* POSIX signal handling functions */ #if !defined(__FreeBSD___) struct sigaction handler; sigaction( SIGIO, NULL, &handler ); if( !handler.sa_handler ) signal( SIGIO, SIG_IGN ); #endif /* !__FreeBSD__ */ #ifdef DEBUG /* Lets let people who upgraded kernels know they may have problems */ if (uname (&name) == -1) { report("RXTX WARNING: cannot get system name\n"); return; } if(!strcmp(name.release,UTS_RELEASE)) { fprintf(stderr, LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION_ERROR, UTS_RELEASE, name.release); getchar(); } #endif /* DEBUG */ #endif /* __BEOS__ */ #endif /* WIN32 */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.open accept: The device to open. ie "/dev/ttyS0" perform: open the device, set the termios struct to sane settings and return the filedescriptor return: fd exceptions: IOException comments: Very often people complain about not being able to get past this function and it turns out to be permissions on the device file or bios has the device disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL RXTXPort(open)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jstring jstr ) { int i = 1; int fd = -1; for (i = 1; i < 65; i++) // we start at 1 because fd = 0 is invalid to RXTXPort.java { if (!PortArray[i]) // Here, we are finding the first non-null index into PortArray. { fd = i; // fd is no longer a "file descriptor" but an index // into an array of pointers to BSerialPort Objects. break; // got a good one. } } if (fd < 1) // if no good fd found, throw exception. { throw_java_exception( env, PORT_IN_USE_EXCEPTION, "open", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } // retrieve the serial port filename, strip off extra goo to leave just serial1, serial2, etc. const char *filename = env->GetStringUTFChars(jstr, 0); // retrieve filename from JAVAland. char devName[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]; const char *newDevName = strstr(filename, "serial"); strncpy(&devName[0], &newDevName[0], (strlen(newDevName) + 1)); // Instantiate the BSerialPort associated with devName (serial1, serial2, etc). PortArray[fd] = new BSerialPort(); // Actually open serial port here: //do //{ status_t results = PortArray[fd]->Open(&devName[0]); //} while (errno==EINTR); if (results < 1) // throw exception if can't open port. { throw_java_exception( env, PORT_IN_USE_EXCEPTION, "open", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } // Set initial port parameters PortArray[fd]->SetFlowControl(0); PortArray[fd]->SetBlocking(false); if (PortArray[fd]->SetDataRate(B_9600_BPS) != B_OK) { throw_java_exception( env, PORT_IN_USE_EXCEPTION, "open", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstr, NULL); // releasing filename for JAVAland. // Open Debug Error log file fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "inside RXTXPort.Open fd for BSerialPort is %i.\n",fd); fprintf(fp, "inside RXTXPort.Open devName for BSerialPort is %s.\n", devName); fprintf(fp, "inside RXTXPort.Open results of open is %i.\n", (int)results); fclose(fp); // Close Log File return (jint)fd; // returning the "fd" (the index into array of BSerialPort pointers). } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.nativeClose accept: none perform: get the fd from the java end and close it return: none exceptions: none ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(nativeClose)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside nativeClose\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// delete PortArray[fd]; return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.nativeSetSerialPortParams accept: speed, data bits, stop bits, parity perform: set the serial port parameters return: void exceptions: UnsupportedCommOperationException ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(nativeSetSerialPortParams)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jint speed, jint dataBits, jint stopBits, jint parity ) { int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); data_rate cspeed = translate_speed( env, speed ); data_bits numofdatabits; stop_bits numofstopbits; parity_mode whichparitymode; if( !cspeed ) return; if( !translate_data_bits( env, &(numofdatabits), dataBits ) ) return; if( !translate_stop_bits( env, &(numofstopbits), stopBits ) ) return; if( !translate_parity( env, &(whichparitymode), parity ) ) return; PortArray[fd]->SetDataBits(numofdatabits); PortArray[fd]->SetStopBits(numofstopbits); PortArray[fd]->SetParityMode(whichparitymode); if (PortArray[fd]->SetDataRate(cspeed) != B_OK) { throw_java_exception( env, UNSUPPORTED_COMM_OPERATION, "nativeSetSerialPortParams", strerror( errno ) ); } ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.nativeSetSerialPortParams\n"); fprintf(fp, "speed = %i\n", speed); fprintf(fp, "fd = %i\n", fd); fprintf(fp, "RXTXPort:nativeSetSerialPortParams right before return\n"); fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File ///////////////////// return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- translate_speed accept: speed in bits-per-second perform: convert bits-per-second to a speed_t constant return: speed_t constant exceptions: UnsupportedCommOperationException comments: Only the lowest level code should know about the magic constants. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ data_rate translate_speed( JNIEnv *env, jint speed ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside translate_speed\n"); fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// switch( speed ) { case 0: return B_0_BPS; case 50: return B_50_BPS; case 75: return B_75_BPS; case 110: return B_110_BPS; case 134: return B_134_BPS; case 150: return B_150_BPS; case 200: return B_200_BPS; case 300: return B_300_BPS; case 600: return B_600_BPS; case 1200: return B_1200_BPS; case 1800: return B_1800_BPS; case 2400: return B_2400_BPS; case 4800: return B_4800_BPS; case 9600: return B_9600_BPS; case 19200: return B_19200_BPS; case 38400: return B_38400_BPS; case 57600: return B_57600_BPS; case 115200: return B_115200_BPS; case 230400: return B_230400_BPS; case 31250: return B_31250_BPS; // this one was in BeOS's SerialPort.h, but I am // skeptical that this setting will work... } throw_java_exception( env, UNSUPPORTED_COMM_OPERATION, "translate_speed", "speed" ); return B_0_BPS; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- translate_data_bits accept: gnu.io.SerialPort.DATABITS_* constant perform: convert to BeOS eqivalent bits return: 1 if successful 0 if an exception is thrown exceptions: UnsupportedCommOperationException ----------------------------------------------------------*/ int translate_data_bits( JNIEnv *env, data_bits *dbits, jint dataBits ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside translate_data_bits\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// switch( dataBits ) { case DATABITS_7: (*dbits) = B_DATA_BITS_7; return 1; case DATABITS_8: (*dbits) = B_DATA_BITS_8; return 1; } throw_java_exception( env, UNSUPPORTED_COMM_OPERATION, "translate_data_bits", "data bits" ); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- translate_stop_bits accept: gnu.io.SerialPort.STOPBITS_* constant perform: convert to BeOS eqivalent bits return: 1 if successful 0 if an exception is thrown exceptions: UnsupportedCommOperationException comments: You now can't specify anything but 1 or 2 stop bits. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ int translate_stop_bits( JNIEnv *env, stop_bits *sbits, jint stopBits ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside translate_stop_bits\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// switch( stopBits ) { case STOPBITS_1: (*sbits) = B_STOP_BITS_1; return 1; case STOPBITS_2: (*sbits) = B_STOP_BITS_2; return 1; } throw_java_exception( env, UNSUPPORTED_COMM_OPERATION, "translate_stop_bits", "stop bits" ); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- translate_parity accept: gnu.io.SerialPort.PARITY_* constant perform: convert parity parameters to BeOS specific ones. return: 1 if successful 0 if an exception is thrown exceptions: UnsupportedCommOperationException comments: The CMSPAR bit not there??? ----------------------------------------------------------*/ int translate_parity( JNIEnv *env, parity_mode *parmode, jint parity ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside translate_parity\n"); fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// switch( parity ) { case PARITY_NONE: (*parmode) = B_NO_PARITY; return 1; case PARITY_EVEN: (*parmode) = B_EVEN_PARITY; return 1; case PARITY_ODD: (*parmode) = B_ODD_PARITY; return 1; } throw_java_exception( env, UNSUPPORTED_COMM_OPERATION, "translate_parity", "parity" ); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.writeByte accept: byte to write (passed as int) perform: write a single byte to the port return: none exceptions: IOException ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(writeByte)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jint ji ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.writeByte\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// unsigned char byte = (unsigned char)ji; int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); //fprintf(fp, "RXTXPort.writeByte fd = %i\n", fd); ssize_t result; do { result = PortArray[fd]->Write(&byte, sizeof(unsigned char)); } while ((result < (ssize_t) 0) && (errno==EINTR)); //fclose(fp); //return; //do { // result=write (14, &byte, sizeof(unsigned char)); //} while (result < 0 && errno==EINTR); if(result >= (ssize_t)0) return; throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "writeByte", strerror( errno ) ); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.writeArray accept: jbarray: bytes used for writing offset: offset in array to start writing count: Number of bytes to write perform: write length bytes of jbarray return: none exceptions: IOException ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(writeArray)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jbyteArray jbarray, jint offset, jint count ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.writeArray\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); int total=0,i; size_t result = 0; unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *)malloc( count ); jbyte *body = env->GetByteArrayElements(jbarray, 0); for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) bytes[ i ] = body[ i + offset ]; env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jbarray, body, 0); do { //result=write (fd, bytes + total, count - total); result = PortArray[fd]->Write(bytes + total, count - total); if(result >0){ total += result; } } while ((totalClearOutput(); count++; } while (errno==EINTR && count <5); //if( result ) throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "drain", // strerror( errno ) ); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.sendBreak accept: duration in milliseconds. perform: send break for actual time. not less than 0.25 seconds. exceptions: none comments: not very precise ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(sendBreak)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jint duration ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.sendBreak\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); tcsendbreak( fd, (int)( duration / 250 ) ); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.NativegetReceiveTimeout accept: none perform: get termios.c_cc[VTIME] return: VTIME comments: see NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL RXTXPort(NativegetReceiveTimeout)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.NativeReceiveTimeout\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); struct termios ttyset; if( tcgetattr( fd, &ttyset ) < 0 ) goto fail; return(ttyset.c_cc[ VTIME ] * 100); fail: throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "getReceiveTimeout", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.NativeisReceiveTimeoutEnabled accept: none perform: determine if VTIME is none 0 return: JNI_TRUE if VTIME > 0 else JNI_FALSE comments: see NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL RXTXPort(NativeisReceiveTimeoutEnabled)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.NativeisReceiveTimeoutEnabled\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); struct termios ttyset; if( tcgetattr( fd, &ttyset ) < 0 ) goto fail; return(ttyset.c_cc[ VTIME ] > 0 ? JNI_TRUE:JNI_FALSE); fail: throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "isReceiveTimeoutEnabled", strerror( errno ) ); return JNI_FALSE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.isDSR accept: none perform: check status of DSR return: true if TIOCM_DSR is set false if TIOCM_DSR is not set exceptions: none comments: DSR stands for Data Set Ready ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL RXTXPort(isDSR)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.isDSR\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); if (PortArray[fd]->IsDSR()) { return JNI_TRUE; } else { return JNI_FALSE; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.isCD accept: none perform: check status of CD return: true if TIOCM_CD is set false if TIOCM_CD is not set exceptions: none comments: CD stands for Carrier Detect The following comment has been made... "well, it works, there might ofcourse be a bug, but making DCD permanently on fixed it for me so I don't care" ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL RXTXPort(isCD)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.isCD\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); if (PortArray[fd]->IsDCD()) { return JNI_TRUE; } else { return JNI_FALSE; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.isCTS accept: none perform: check status of CTS return: true if TIOCM_CTS is set false if TIOCM_CTS is not set exceptions: none comments: CTS stands for Clear To Send. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL RXTXPort(isCTS)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.isCTS\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); if (PortArray[fd]->IsCTS()) { return JNI_TRUE; } else { return JNI_FALSE; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.isRI accept: none perform: check status of RI return: true if TIOCM_RI is set false if TIOCM_RI is not set exceptions: none comments: RI stands for Ring Indicator ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL RXTXPort(isRI)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.isRI\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); if (PortArray[fd]->IsRI()) { return JNI_TRUE; } else { return JNI_FALSE; } } #ifndef __BEOS__ /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.isRTS accept: none perform: check status of RTS return: true if TIOCM_RTS is set false if TIOCM_RTS is not set exceptions: none comments: tcgetattr with c_cflag CRTS_IFLOW ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL RXTXPort(isRTS)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.isRTS\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); if (PortArray[fd]->IsRTS()) { return JNI_TRUE; } else { return JNI_FALSE; } } #endif /* __BEOS__ */ /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.setRTS accept: state flag to set/unset. perform: depends on the state flag if true TIOCM_RTS is set if false TIOCM_RTS is unset return: none exceptions: none comments: tcsetattr with c_cflag CRTS_IFLOW ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(setRTS)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jboolean state ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.setRTS\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); if (state == JNI_TRUE) { PortArray[fd]->SetRTS(true); } else { PortArray[fd]->SetRTS(false); } return; } #ifndef __BEOS__ /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.setDSR accept: state flag to set/unset. perform: depends on the state flag if true TIOCM_DSR is set if false TIOCM_DSR is unset return: none exceptions: none comments: tcsetattr with c_cflag CRTS_IFLOW ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(setDSR)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jboolean state ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.setDSR\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); if (state == JNI_TRUE) { PortArray[fd]->SetDSR(true); } else { PortArray[fd]->SetDSR(false); } return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.isDTR accept: none perform: check status of DTR return: true if TIOCM_DTR is set false if TIOCM_DTR is not set exceptions: none comments: DTR stands for Data Terminal Ready ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL RXTXPort(isDTR)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.isDTR\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); if (PortArray[fd]->IsDTR()) { return JNI_TRUE; } else { return JNI_FALSE; } } #endif /* __BEOS__ */ /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.setDTR accept: new DTR state perform: if state is true, TIOCM_DTR is set if state is false, TIOCM_DTR is unset return: none exceptions: none comments: DTR stands for Data Terminal Ready ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(setDTR)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jboolean state ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.setDTR\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); if (state == JNI_TRUE) { PortArray[fd]->SetDTR(true); } else { PortArray[fd]->SetDTR(false); } return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- read_byte_array accept: int fd file descriptor to read from unsigned char *buffer buffer to read data into int length number of bytes to read int timeout milliseconds to wait before returning perform: read bytes from the port into a buffer return: status of read -1 fail (IOException) 0 timeout >0 number of bytes read comments: According to the Communications API spec, a receive threshold of 1 is the same as having the threshold disabled. The nuts and bolts are documented in NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold() ----------------------------------------------------------*/ int read_byte_array( int fd, unsigned char *buffer, int length, int timeout ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside read_byte_array\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int ret, left, bytes = 0; struct timeval sleep; struct timeval *psleep=&sleep; #ifndef __BEOS__ fd_set rfds; FD_ZERO( &rfds ); FD_SET( fd, &rfds ); if( timeout != 0 ) { sleep.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; sleep.tv_usec = 1000 * ( timeout % 1000 ); } #endif __BEOS__ left = length; while( bytes < length ) { #ifndef __BEOS__ /* FIXME: In Linux, select updates the timeout automatically, so other OSes will need to update it manually if they want to have the same behavior. For those OSes, timeouts will occur after no data AT ALL is received for the timeout duration. No big deal. */ do { if( timeout == 0 ) psleep = NULL; ret=select( fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, psleep ); } while (ret < 0 && errno==EINTR); if( ret == 0 ) break; if( ret < 0 ) return -1; #endif __BEOS__ ret = read( fd, buffer + bytes, left ); if( ret == 0 ) break; if( ret < 0 ) return -1; bytes += ret; left -= ret; } return bytes; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold accept: int threshold, int vtime,int buffer perform: Set c_cc->VMIN to threshold and c_cc=>VTIME to vtime return: void exceptions: IOException comments: This is actually all handled in read with select in canonical input mode. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jint vtime, jint threshold, jint buffer) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); struct termios ttyset; if( tcgetattr( fd, &ttyset ) < 0 ) goto fail; ttyset.c_cc[ VMIN ] = threshold; ttyset.c_cc[ VTIME ] = vtime/100; if( tcsetattr( fd, TCSANOW, &ttyset ) < 0 ) goto fail; return; fail: throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "TimeoutThreshold", strerror( errno ) ); return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.readByte accept: none perform: Read a single byte from the port return: The byte read exceptions: IOException ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL RXTXPort(readByte)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.readByte\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// //status_t SetTimeout(bigtime_t timeout) //int bytes; unsigned char buffer[ 1 ]; int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); int timeout = get_java_var( env, jobj, "timeout", "I" ); if (PortArray[fd]->SetTimeout((bigtime_t) timeout) != B_OK) { throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "readByte", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } if (PortArray[fd]->Read(&buffer[0], sizeof(unsigned char)) != 1) { throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "readByte", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } return (jint)buffer[0]; /* bytes = read_byte_array( fd, buffer, 1, timeout ); if( bytes < 0 ) { throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "readByte", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } return (bytes ? (jint)buffer[ 0 ] : -1); */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.readArray accept: offset (offset to start storing data in the jbarray) and Length (bytes to read) perform: read bytes from the port into a byte array return: bytes read on success 0 on read timeout exceptions: IOException comments: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if asked to read more than SSIZE_MAX bytes ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL RXTXPort(readArray)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jbyteArray jbarray, jint offset, jint length ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.readArray\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int bytes; jbyte *body; unsigned char *buffer; int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj, "fd", "I" ); int timeout = get_java_var( env, jobj, "timeout", "I" ); if( length > SSIZE_MAX || length < 0 ) { throw_java_exception( env, ARRAY_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, "readArray", "Invalid length" ); return -1; } buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc( sizeof( unsigned char ) * length ); if( buffer == 0 ) { throw_java_exception( env, OUT_OF_MEMORY, "readArray", "Unable to allocate buffer" ); return -1; } bytes = read_byte_array( fd, buffer, length, timeout ); if( bytes < 0 ) { free( buffer ); throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "readArray", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } //body = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements( env, jbarray, 0 ); body = env->GetByteArrayElements( jbarray, 0 ); // !!! memcpy(body + offset, buffer, bytes); //(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( env, jbarray, body, 0 ); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements( jbarray, body, 0 ); // !!! free( buffer ); return (bytes ? bytes : -1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.nativeavailable accept: none perform: find out the number of bytes available for reading return: available bytes -1 on error exceptions: none ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL RXTXPort(nativeavailable)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.nativeavailable\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// //#ifndef __BEOS__ int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); //int result; ssize_t result = 0; result = PortArray[fd]->WaitForInput(); // WaitForInput() not the best choice, but all I could find. return (jint)result; /* if( ioctl( fd, FIONREAD, &result ) ) { throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "nativeavailable", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } else return (jint)result; */ //#endif //return (-1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.setflowcontrol accept: flowmode FLOWCONTROL_NONE none FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN hardware flow control FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT "" FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN input software flow control FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT output software flow control perform: set flow control to flowmode return: none exceptions: IOException comments: there is no differentiation between input and output hardware flow control ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(setflowcontrol)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jint flowmode ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.setflowcontrol\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" ); switch( flowmode ) { case FLOWCONTROL_NONE: PortArray[fd]->SetFlowControl(B_NOFLOW_CONTROL); if (PortArray[fd]->FlowControl() != B_NOFLOW_CONTROL) { throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "setHWFC", strerror( errno ) ); return; } break; case FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN: PortArray[fd]->SetFlowControl(B_HARDWARE_CONTROL); if (PortArray[fd]->FlowControl() != B_HARDWARE_CONTROL) { throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "setHWFC", strerror( errno ) ); return; } break; case FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT: PortArray[fd]->SetFlowControl(B_HARDWARE_CONTROL); if (PortArray[fd]->FlowControl() != B_HARDWARE_CONTROL) { throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "setHWFC", strerror( errno ) ); return; } break; case FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN: PortArray[fd]->SetFlowControl(B_SOFTWARE_CONTROL); if (PortArray[fd]->FlowControl() != B_SOFTWARE_CONTROL) { throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "setHWFC", strerror( errno ) ); return; } break; case FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT: PortArray[fd]->SetFlowControl(B_SOFTWARE_CONTROL); if (PortArray[fd]->FlowControl() != B_SOFTWARE_CONTROL) { throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "setHWFC", strerror( errno ) ); return; } break; } return; /* if( tcgetattr( fd, &ttyset ) ) goto fail; if ( flowmode & ( FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN | FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT ) ) ttyset.c_cflag |= HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL; else ttyset.c_cflag &= ~HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL; ttyset.c_iflag &= ~IXANY; if ( flowmode & FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN ) ttyset.c_iflag |= IXOFF; else ttyset.c_iflag &= ~IXOFF; if ( flowmode & FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT ) ttyset.c_iflag |= IXON; else ttyset.c_iflag &= ~IXON; if( tcsetattr( fd, TCSANOW, &ttyset ) ) goto fail; return; fail: throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "setHWFC", strerror( errno ) ); return; */ } #ifdef __BEOS__ /*---------------------------------------------------------- RXTXPort.eventLoop accept: none perform: periodically check for SerialPortEvents return: none exceptions: none comments: ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(eventLoop)( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj ) { printf("BeOS eventLoop not Implemented\n"); #else /* __BEOS__ */ ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside RXTXPort.eventLoop\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int fd, ret, change; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv_sleep; unsigned int mflags, omflags; jboolean interrupted = 0; #if defined TIOCSERGETLSR struct stat fstatbuf; #endif /* TIOCSERGETLSR */ #if defined(TIOCGICOUNT) struct serial_icounter_struct sis, osis; /* JK00: flag if this can be used on this port */ int has_tiocgicount = 1; #endif /* TIOCGICOUNT */ #if defined(TIOCSERGETLSR) int has_tiocsergetlsr = 1; #endif /* TIOCSERGETLSR */ fd = get_java_var(env, jobj, "fd", "I"); #if defined(TIOCGICOUNT) /* Some multiport serial cards do not implement TIOCGICOUNT ... */ /* So use the 'dumb' mode to enable using them after all! JK00 */ if( ioctl( fd, TIOCGICOUNT, &osis ) < 0 ) { report("Port does not support TIOCGICOUNT events\n" ); has_tiocgicount = 0; } #endif /* TIOCGICOUNT */ #if defined(TIOCSERGETLSR) /* JK00: work around for multiport cards without TIOCSERGETLSR */ /* Cyclades is one of those :-( */ if( ioctl( fd, TIOCSERGETLSR, &change ) ) { report("Port does not support TIOCSERGETLSR\n" ); has_tiocsergetlsr = 0; } #endif /* TIOCSERGETLSR */ if( ioctl( fd, TIOCMGET, &omflags) <0 ) { report("Port does not support events\n" ); return; } FD_ZERO( &rfds ); while( !interrupted ) { FD_SET( fd, &rfds ); tv_sleep.tv_sec = 0; tv_sleep.tv_usec = 100000; do { ret=select( fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv_sleep ); } while (ret < 0 && errno==EINTR); if( ret < 0 ) break; interrupted = is_interrupted(env, jobj); if(interrupted) return; #if defined TIOCSERGETLSR /* JK00: work around for Multi IO cards without TIOCSERGETLSR */ if( has_tiocsergetlsr ) { if (fstat(fd, &fstatbuf)) break; if( ioctl( fd, TIOCSERGETLSR, &change ) ) break; else if( change ) send_event( env, jobj, SPE_OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY, 1 ); } #endif /* TIOCSERGETLSR */ #if defined(TIOCGICOUNT) /* wait for RNG, DSR, CD or CTS but not DataAvailable * The drawback here is it never times out so if someone * reads there will be no chance to try again. * This may make sense if the program does not want to * be notified of data available or errors. * ret=ioctl(fd,TIOCMIWAIT); */ /* JK00: only use it if supported by this port */ if (has_tiocgicount) { if( ioctl( fd, TIOCGICOUNT, &sis ) ) break; while( sis.frame != osis.frame ) { send_event( env, jobj, SPE_FE, 1); osis.frame++; } while( sis.overrun != osis.overrun ) { send_event( env, jobj, SPE_OE, 1); osis.overrun++; } while( sis.parity != osis.parity ) { send_event( env, jobj, SPE_PE, 1); osis.parity++; } while( sis.brk != osis.brk ) { send_event( env, jobj, SPE_BI, 1); osis.brk++; } osis = sis; } #endif /* TIOCGICOUNT */ /* A Portable implementation */ if( ioctl( fd, TIOCMGET, &mflags ) ) break; change = (mflags&TIOCM_CTS) - (omflags&TIOCM_CTS); if( change ) send_event( env, jobj, SPE_CTS, change ); change = (mflags&TIOCM_DSR) - (omflags&TIOCM_DSR); if( change ) send_event( env, jobj, SPE_DSR, change ); change = (mflags&TIOCM_RNG) - (omflags&TIOCM_RNG); if( change ) send_event( env, jobj, SPE_RI, change ); change = (mflags&TIOCM_CD) - (omflags&TIOCM_CD); if( change ) send_event( env, jobj, SPE_CD, change ); omflags = mflags; ioctl( fd, FIONREAD, &change ); if( change ) { if(!send_event( env, jobj, SPE_DATA_AVAILABLE, 1 )) usleep(100000); /* select wont block */ } } return; #endif /* __BEOS__ */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------- isDeviceGood accept: a port name perform: see if the port is valid on this OS. return: JNI_TRUE if it exhists otherwise JNI_FALSE exceptions: none comments: ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL RXTXCommDriver(isDeviceGood)(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jstring tty_name) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside isDeviceGood\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// jboolean result; static struct stat mystat; char teststring[256]; int fd, i; const char *name = env->GetStringUTFChars(tty_name, 0); // !!! printf("inside RXTXCommDriver:isDeviceGood() deviceName is %s. ",name); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //Let's try to enumerate the ports /* int32 portcount = 0; int32 n = 0; port = new BSerialPort(); char devName[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]; portcount = port->CountDevices(); for (n = portcount - 1; n >= 0; n--) { port->GetDeviceName(n, devName); printf("inside RXTXCommDriver:isDeviceGood() deviceName is %s. ",devName); } */ for(i=0;i<64;i++){ #if defined(_GNU_SOURCE) snprintf(teststring, 256, "%s%s%i",DEVICEDIR,name, i); #else sprintf(teststring,"%s%s%i",DEVICEDIR,name, i); #endif /* _GNU_SOURCE */ stat(teststring,&mystat); if(S_ISCHR(mystat.st_mode)){ printf("inside RXTXCommDriver:isDeviceGood() trying to open %s. ",teststring); fd=open(teststring,O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK); printf("got %i\n",fd); if (fd>0){ printf("inside RXTXCommDriver:isDeviceGood() %s is valid on this system.\n",teststring); close(fd); result=JNI_TRUE; break; } } result=JNI_FALSE; } #if defined(_GNU_SOURCE) snprintf(teststring, 256, "%s%s",DEVICEDIR,name); #else sprintf(teststring,"%s%s",DEVICEDIR,name); #endif /* _GNU_SOURCE */ stat(teststring,&mystat); if(S_ISCHR(mystat.st_mode)){ fd=open(teststring,O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK); if (fd>0){ close(fd); result=JNI_TRUE; } } printf("result is %i for %s\n",result, name); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(tty_name, name); // !!! return(result); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- getDeviceDirectory accept: perform: return: the directory containing the device files exceptions: comments: use this to avoid hard coded "/dev/" values are in SerialImp.h ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_gnu_io_RXTXCommDriver_getDeviceDirectory(JNIEnv*, jobject); */ JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL RXTXCommDriver(getDeviceDirectory)(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, int test) { return env->NewStringUTF(DEVICEDIR); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- setInputBufferSize accept: perform: return: none exceptions: none comments: see fopen/fclose/fwrite/fread man pages. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(setInputBufferSize)(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jint size ) { report("setInputBufferSize is not implemented\n"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- getIputBufferSize accept: perform: return: none exceptions: none comments: see fopen/fclose/fwrite/fread man pages. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL RXTXPort(getInputBufferSize)(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj) { report("getInputBufferSize is not implemented\n"); return(1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- setOutputBufferSize accept: perform: return: none exceptions: none comments: see fopen/fclose/fwrite/fread man pages. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL RXTXPort(setOutputBufferSize)(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jint size ) { report("setOutputBufferSize is not implemented\n"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- getOutputBufferSize accept: perform: return: none exceptions: none comments: see fopen/fclose/fwrite/fread man pages. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL RXTXPort(getOutputBufferSize)(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj) { report("getOutputBufferSize is not implemented\n"); return(1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- is_interrupted accept: perform: see if the port is being closed. return: a positive value if the port is being closed. exceptions: none comments: ----------------------------------------------------------*/ jboolean is_interrupted(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is is_interrupted\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// jmethodID foo; jclass jclazz; int result; //(*env)->ExceptionClear(env); env->ExceptionClear(); // !!! //jclazz = (*env)->GetObjectClass( env, jobj ); jclazz = env->GetObjectClass( jobj ); // !!! if(jclazz == NULL) return JNI_TRUE; //foo = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, jclazz, "checkMonitorThread", "()Z"); foo = env->GetMethodID( jclazz, "checkMonitorThread", "()Z"); // !!! if(foo == NULL) return JNI_TRUE; //result = (*env)->CallBooleanMethod( env, jobj, foo ); result = env->CallBooleanMethod( jobj, foo ); // !!! #ifdef DEBUG //if((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { if(env->ExceptionOccurred()) { // !!! report ("an error occured calling sendEvent()\n"); //(*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); env->ExceptionDescribe(); // !!! //(*env)->ExceptionClear(env); env->ExceptionClear(); // !!! } #endif /* DEBUG */ //(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, jclazz ); env->DeleteLocalRef( jclazz ); // !!! return(result); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- send_event accept: The event type and the event state perform: if state is > 0 send a JNI_TRUE event otherwise send JNI_FALSE return: a positive value if the port is being closed. exceptions: none comments: ----------------------------------------------------------*/ int send_event(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jint type, int flag) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside send_event\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int result; jmethodID foo; //jclass jclazz = (*env)->GetObjectClass( env, jobj ); jclass jclazz = env->GetObjectClass( jobj ); // !!! if(jclazz == NULL) return JNI_TRUE; //foo = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, jclazz, "sendEvent", "(IZ)Z" ); foo = env->GetMethodID( jclazz, "sendEvent", "(IZ)Z" ); // !!! //(*env)->ExceptionClear(env); env->ExceptionClear(); // !!! //result = (*env)->CallBooleanMethod( env, jobj, foo, type, result = env->CallBooleanMethod( jobj, foo, type, // !!! flag > 0 ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE ); #ifdef DEBUG //if((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { if(env->ExceptionOccurred()) { // !!! report ("an error occured calling sendEvent()\n"); //(*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); env->ExceptionDescribe(); // !!! //(*env)->ExceptionClear(env); env->ExceptionClear(); // !!! } #endif /* DEBUG */ //(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, jclazz ); env->DeleteLocalRef( jclazz ); // !!! return(result); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- get_java_var accept: env (keyhole to java) jobj (java RXTXPort object) return: the fd field from the java object exceptions: none comments: ----------------------------------------------------------*/ int get_java_var( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, char *id, char *type ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside get_java_var\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int result = 0; //jclass jclazz = (*env)->GetObjectClass( env, jobj ); jclass jclazz = env->GetObjectClass( jobj ); // !!! //jfieldID jfd = (*env)->GetFieldID( env, jclazz, id, type ); jfieldID jfd = env->GetFieldID( jclazz, id, type ); // !!! if( !jfd ) { //(*env)->ExceptionDescribe( env ); env->ExceptionDescribe(); // !!! //(*env)->ExceptionClear( env ); env->ExceptionClear(); // !!! return result; } //result = (int)( (*env)->GetIntField( env, jobj, jfd ) ); result = (int)( env->GetIntField( jobj, jfd ) ); // !!! /* ct7 & gel * Added DeleteLocalRef */ //(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, jclazz ); env->DeleteLocalRef( jclazz ); // !!! #ifdef DEBUG if(!strncmp("fd",id,2) && result == 0) report("invalid file descriptor\n"); #endif return result; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- throw_java_exception accept: env (keyhole to java) *exc (exception class name) *foo (function name) *msg (error message) perform: Throw a new java exception return: none exceptions: haha! comments: ----------------------------------------------------------*/ void throw_java_exception( JNIEnv *env, char *exc, char *foo, char *msg ) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside throw_java_exception\n\n"); // !!! fprintf(fp, "%s in %s\n", msg, foo ); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// char buf[ 60 ]; //jclass clazz = (*env)->FindClass( env, exc ); jclass clazz = env->FindClass( exc ); // !!! if( !clazz ) { //(*env)->ExceptionDescribe( env ); env->ExceptionDescribe(); // !!! //(*env)->ExceptionClear( env ); env->ExceptionClear(); // !!! return; } #if defined(_GNU_SOURCE) snprintf( buf, 60, "%s in %s", msg, foo ); #else sprintf( buf,"%s in %s", msg, foo ); #endif /* _GNU_SOURCE */ //(*env)->ThrowNew( env, clazz, buf ); env->ThrowNew( clazz, buf ); // !!! /* ct7 * Added DeleteLocalRef */ //(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, clazz ); env->DeleteLocalRef( clazz ); // !!! } /*---------------------------------------------------------- report accept: string to send to stderr perform: if DEBUG is defined send the string to stderr. return: none exceptions: none comments: ----------------------------------------------------------*/ void report(char *msg) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside report\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, msg); #endif } /*---------------------------------------------------------- dump_termios accept: string to indicate where this was called. termios struct perform: print the termios struct to stderr. return: none exceptions: none comments: used to debug the termios struct. ----------------------------------------------------------*/ void dump_termios(char *foo,struct termios *ttyset) { ////////////////// Open Log File ///////////////////// fp = fopen("RXTXOut.log", "a"); fprintf(fp, "Brian is inside dump_termios\n"); // !!! fclose(fp); ////////////////// Close Log File //////////////////// int i; //fprintf(stderr,"%s %o\n",foo,ttyset->c_iflag); //fprintf(stderr,"%s %o\n",foo,ttyset->c_lflag); //fprintf(stderr,"%s %o\n",foo,ttyset->c_oflag); //fprintf(stderr,"%s %o\n",foo,ttyset->c_cflag); for(i=0;ic_cc[i]); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); }