/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- | rxtx is a native interface to Raw ports in java. | Copyright 1997-2004 by Trent Jarvi taj@www.linux.org.uk. | | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either | version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | Library General Public License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public | License along with this library; if not, write to the Free | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package gnu.io; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.Math; /** * @author Trent Jarvi * @version $Id: Raw.java,v 2004/10/12 08:59:27 jarvi Exp $ * @since JDK1.0 */ final class Raw extends RawPort { static { System.loadLibrary( "rxtxRaw" ); Initialize(); } /** Initialize the native library */ private native static void Initialize(); /** Actual RawPort wrapper class */ /** Open the named port */ public Raw( String name ) throws PortInUseException { ciAddress=Integer.parseInt(name); open( ciAddress ); } private native int open( int ciAddress ) throws PortInUseException; /** File descriptor */ private int ciAddress; /** DSR flag **/ static boolean dsrFlag = false; /** Output stream */ private final RawOutputStream out = new RawOutputStream(); public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return out; } /** Input stream */ private final RawInputStream in = new RawInputStream(); public InputStream getInputStream() { return in; } /** Set the RawPort parameters */ public void setRawPortParams( int b, int d, int s, int p ) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException { nativeSetRawPortParams( b, d, s, p ); speed = b; dataBits = d; stopBits = s; parity = p; } /** Set the native Raw port parameters */ private native void nativeSetRawPortParams( int speed, int dataBits, int stopBits, int parity ) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException; /** Line speed in bits-per-second */ private int speed=9600; public int getBaudRate() { return speed; } /** Data bits port parameter */ private int dataBits=DATABITS_8; public int getDataBits() { return dataBits; } /** Stop bits port parameter */ private int stopBits=RawPort.STOPBITS_1; public int getStopBits() { return stopBits; } /** Parity port parameter */ private int parity= RawPort.PARITY_NONE; public int getParity() { return parity; } /** Flow control */ private int flowmode = RawPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE; public void setFlowControlMode( int flowcontrol ) { try { setflowcontrol( flowcontrol ); } catch( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } flowmode=flowcontrol; } public int getFlowControlMode() { return flowmode; } native void setflowcontrol( int flowcontrol ) throws IOException; /* linux/drivers/char/n_hdlc.c? FIXME taj@www.linux.org.uk */ /** Receive framing control */ public void enableReceiveFraming( int f ) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException { throw new UnsupportedCommOperationException( "Not supported" ); } public void disableReceiveFraming() {} public boolean isReceiveFramingEnabled() { return false; } public int getReceiveFramingByte() { return 0; } /** Receive timeout control */ private int timeout = 0; public native int NativegetReceiveTimeout(); public native boolean NativeisReceiveTimeoutEnabled(); public native void NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold(int time, int threshold,int InputBuffer); public void disableReceiveTimeout(){ enableReceiveTimeout(0); } public void enableReceiveTimeout( int time ){ if( time >= 0 ) { timeout = time; NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold( time , threshold, InputBuffer ); } else { System.out.println("Invalid timeout"); } } public boolean isReceiveTimeoutEnabled(){ return(NativeisReceiveTimeoutEnabled()); } public int getReceiveTimeout(){ return(NativegetReceiveTimeout( )); } /** Receive threshold control */ private int threshold = 0; public void enableReceiveThreshold( int thresh ){ if(thresh >=0) { threshold=thresh; NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold(timeout, threshold, InputBuffer); } else /* invalid thresh */ { System.out.println("Invalid Threshold"); } } public void disableReceiveThreshold() { enableReceiveThreshold(0); } public int getReceiveThreshold(){ return threshold; } public boolean isReceiveThresholdEnabled(){ return(threshold>0); } /** Input/output buffers */ /** FIXME I think this refers to FOPEN(3)/SETBUF(3)/FREAD(3)/FCLOSE(3) taj@www.linux.org.uk These are native stubs... */ private int InputBuffer=0; private int OutputBuffer=0; public void setInputBufferSize( int size ) { InputBuffer=size; } public int getInputBufferSize() { return(InputBuffer); } public void setOutputBufferSize( int size ) { OutputBuffer=size; } public int getOutputBufferSize() { return(OutputBuffer); } /** Line status methods */ public native boolean isDTR(); public native void setDTR( boolean state ); public native void setRTS( boolean state ); private native void setDSR( boolean state ); public native boolean isCTS(); public native boolean isDSR(); public native boolean isCD(); public native boolean isRI(); public native boolean isRTS(); /** Write to the port */ public native void sendBreak( int duration ); private native void writeByte( int b ) throws IOException; private native void writeArray( byte b[], int off, int len ) throws IOException; private native void drain() throws IOException; /** Raw read methods */ private native int nativeavailable() throws IOException; private native int readByte() throws IOException; private native int readArray( byte b[], int off, int len ) throws IOException; /** Raw Port Event listener */ private RawPortEventListener SPEventListener; /** Thread to monitor data */ private MonitorThread monThread; /** Process RawPortEvents */ native void eventLoop(); private int dataAvailable=0; public void sendEvent( int event, boolean state ) { switch( event ) { case RawPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE: dataAvailable=1; if( monThread.Data ) break; return; case RawPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY: if( monThread.Output ) break; return; /* if( monThread.DSR ) break; return; if (isDSR()) { if (!dsrFlag) { dsrFlag = true; RawPortEvent e = new RawPortEvent(this, RawPortEvent.DSR, !dsrFlag, dsrFlag ); } } else if (dsrFlag) { dsrFlag = false; RawPortEvent e = new RawPortEvent(this, RawPortEvent.DSR, !dsrFlag, dsrFlag ); } */ case RawPortEvent.CTS: if( monThread.CTS ) break; return; case RawPortEvent.DSR: if( monThread.DSR ) break; return; case RawPortEvent.RI: if( monThread.RI ) break; return; case RawPortEvent.CD: if( monThread.CD ) break; return; case RawPortEvent.OE: if( monThread.OE ) break; return; case RawPortEvent.PE: if( monThread.PE ) break; return; case RawPortEvent.FE: if( monThread.FE ) break; return; case RawPortEvent.BI: if( monThread.BI ) break; return; default: System.err.println("unknown event:"+event); return; } RawPortEvent e = new RawPortEvent(this, event, !state, state ); if( SPEventListener != null ) SPEventListener.RawEvent( e ); } /** Add an event listener */ public void addEventListener( RawPortEventListener lsnr ) throws TooManyListenersException { if( SPEventListener != null ) throw new TooManyListenersException(); SPEventListener = lsnr; monThread = new MonitorThread(); monThread.start(); } /** Remove the Raw port event listener */ public void removeEventListener() { SPEventListener = null; if( monThread != null ) { monThread.interrupt(); monThread = null; } } public void notifyOnDataAvailable( boolean enable ) { monThread.Data = enable; } public void notifyOnOutputEmpty( boolean enable ) { monThread.Output = enable; } public void notifyOnCTS( boolean enable ) { monThread.CTS = enable; } public void notifyOnDSR( boolean enable ) { monThread.DSR = enable; } public void notifyOnRingIndicator( boolean enable ) { monThread.RI = enable; } public void notifyOnCarrierDetect( boolean enable ) { monThread.CD = enable; } public void notifyOnOverrunError( boolean enable ) { monThread.OE = enable; } public void notifyOnParityError( boolean enable ) { monThread.PE = enable; } public void notifyOnFramingError( boolean enable ) { monThread.FE = enable; } public void notifyOnBreakInterrupt( boolean enable ) { monThread.BI = enable; } /** Close the port */ private native int nativeClose(); public void close() { setDTR(false); setDSR(false); nativeClose(); super.close(); ciAddress = 0; } /** Finalize the port */ protected void finalize() { close(); } /** Inner class for RawOutputStream */ class RawOutputStream extends OutputStream { public void write( int b ) throws IOException { writeByte( b ); } public void write( byte b[] ) throws IOException { writeArray( b, 0, b.length ); } public void write( byte b[], int off, int len ) throws IOException { writeArray( b, off, len ); } public void flush() throws IOException { drain(); } } /** Inner class for RawInputStream */ class RawInputStream extends InputStream { public int read() throws IOException { dataAvailable=0; return readByte(); } public int read( byte b[] ) throws IOException { return read ( b, 0, b.length); } public int read( byte b[], int off, int len ) throws IOException { dataAvailable=0; int i=0, Minimum=0; int intArray[] = { b.length, InputBuffer, len }; /* find the lowest nonzero value timeout and threshold are handled on the native side see NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold in RawImp.c */ while(intArray[i]==0 && i < intArray.length) i++; Minimum=intArray[i]; while( i < intArray.length ) { if(intArray[i] > 0 ) { Minimum=Math.min(Minimum,intArray[i]); } i++; } Minimum=Math.min(Minimum,threshold); if(Minimum == 0) Minimum=1; int Available=available(); int Ret = readArray( b, off, Minimum); return Ret; } public int available() throws IOException { return nativeavailable(); } } class MonitorThread extends Thread { /** Note: these have to be separate boolean flags because the RawPortEvent constants are NOT bit-flags, they are just defined as integers from 1 to 10 -DPL */ private boolean CTS=false; private boolean DSR=false; private boolean RI=false; private boolean CD=false; private boolean OE=false; private boolean PE=false; private boolean FE=false; private boolean BI=false; private boolean Data=false; private boolean Output=false; MonitorThread() { } public void run() { eventLoop(); } } public String getVersion() { String Version="$Id: Raw.java,v 2004/10/12 08:59:27 jarvi Exp $"; return(Version); } }